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Old 2013-08-10, 19:16   Link #57
Excessively jovial fellow
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ISDB-T
Age: 37
Originally Posted by sangofe View Post
Alright, so with active I mean releasing at least one episode per month in average.

The groups I know of that fit this description, and still are active, are:
1. Central Anime (??.??.1992)
2. ANBU (25.10.2001)
3. Live-Evil (24.11.2001)
4. AnimeOne (17.07.2002)
5. Kaizoku-Fansubs (15.11.2002)
6. TV-Nihon (05.04.2003)
7. Static Subs (08.07.2003)
8. SD Project (21.10.2003)
9. Saizen (09.07.2004)
10. Dattebayo (22.10.2004)
bump for current status:

yep, still doing their thing (you'd think they'd hate anime by now like any sane person would)

dead (no releases in their own name since february 2012, last release with another group in november 2012)

alive, but only subs shit nobody cares about

basically dead since like 2011, last spasms in november 2012 (together with ANBU)

alive, I guess? isn't one piece simulcast though?

ikiteiru (tl note: ikiteiru means "alive" but everyone wishes they would just fucking die already and take their terrible subs with them to the grave)

dead since august 2012 (officially "on hiatus" but I consider it extremely unlikely for Kunio to suddenly revive)

SD Project
dead since may 2012, website domain expired

alive, but seriously guys, sports anime from 1984? really scraping the bottom of the barrel, there.

dead since september 2011


Doremi (august 8th, 2005)
still alive, still run by ladholyman & maceart

gg (october 11th, 2005)
still alive, still retains founding staff members (I only joined in january 2006 though)

Eclipse (october 2005)
dead since august 2012

tl;dr: Simulcasting killed fansubbing and the few groups left are either digging deep in the mines of the 70's and 80's for ancient shit to sub for some kind of misdirected nostalgia reasons, or they're mostly in it for the ad money you get from the few shows that are latecast.

I do wonder what made everyone die off at the same time in fall 2012 though.

looking back at all the debates I had circa 2004 with the people who claimed unethical fansubbing would kill the industry, I'm really not sure who came out more right in the end, but I'm still here for some bizarre reason and they're not, so I guess that means I get to gloat and claim moral superiority
| ffmpegsource
17:43:13 <~deculture> Also, TheFluff, you are so fucking slowpoke.jpg that people think we dropped the DVD's.
17:43:16 <~deculture> nice job, fag!

01:04:41 < Plorkyeran> it was annoying to typeset so it should be annoying to read

Last edited by TheFluff; 2013-08-10 at 19:51.
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