Thread: Persona 5
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Old 2013-07-08, 15:43   Link #10
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
Originally Posted by Clarami View Post
Or they could do a PS3 and PS4 port just to make more money and cater to both the still current and new gen. I don't know how I would feel about that really...
I'm not sure how cost effective that would be. I can see why games like MGS5 would do it since they were meant from day 1 to be multi-platform and have the appropriate abstractions in place to ease such ports but if you look at the history of SMT/Persona games they have always been single-platform which points towards coding close to the metal. Given that the PS4 has a substantially different architecture to the PS4 it would make that port a daunting prospect.

You may still be right though. That would mean I would have yet another reason to pull the trigger on a PS4 sooner in it's life-cycle.
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