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Old 2013-07-05, 21:28   Link #55
Join Date: Mar 2006
To add to what Dr. Casey said, there's also the dialogue from Qball to Homura and Madoka in the last episodes. Essentially, she's done this so many times and failed that the instant she gives up, she'll turn into a Witch due to that collective despair. But at the same time, every loop increases the potential of the next loops Madoka. In short, Homura's wish has the potential to create two powerful Witches instead of just one, and each loop just increases that chance due to how the system balances the power of a wish with the grief it collects/creates. This is likely why he said Homura's wish decreased entropy, since she herself has inadvertently become a negative energy battery. Even if she saves Madoka, the odds of her doing so on the first try are incredibly slim, and her fate will always be to become a Witch so every loop just makes that Witch more powerful. It's a win win for the Q.

Of course, he clearly couldn't account for everything and even he admitted that he doesn't really know the true possibilities of the system since the only thing the Incubators understand about magic is how to harness the negative "pollution" it creates, but given how the events played out I'd say he figured out the specific temporal causality issues with Homura's wish pretty well.

How that plays out into the movie, I have no idea. Madoka's wish basically took all of that burden (and more) onto herself, but because of this she cannot directly interact with the physical world anymore. So assuming at least some of the teasers we've seen so far aren't just flashbacks, something went wrong and the wish was either altered somehow or there was a loophole/weak point that the wish didn't cover.....both of which are most likely being exploited by the Incubators.

That said, I'm hoping the movie doesn't just chew the girls up and spit them out. I'd much rather see an Empire Strikes Back to Return of the Jedi scenario. Minus the Ewoks.
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