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Old 2013-07-05, 18:03   Link #52
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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For me, this trailer raises three obvious questions:

1. 1:26 - That's the entire main cast, all in student uniforms (including Kyouko). Homura has her Moemura hair style. They're all standing on some hill overlooking some sort of high-tech city and/or heavily industrialized area. I suppose that could be Mitakihara Town itself? Anybody want to take a stab at what this scene is portraying? I think that the most likely possibility is that it's a scene from a previous timeloop, prior to Moemura becoming Homura and also one in which Kyouko is attending school. I suppose it could conceivably be Timeline 2. Sayaka and Kyouko were noticeably absent from that in the TV anime, so who knows what they were doing in it. However, something feels a bit unusual about this shot to me. That city has a darker, vaguely dystopian feeling to it.

2. 1:31 - So... either Madoka Magica is turning into Persona, or Homura wants to commit suicide... Anybody want to take a stab at this?

3. 1:32 - Oriko! That's clearly Oriko. So does that mean she's showing up in the third movie? I guess so! If so, is Kirika with her? And what does Oriko hope to accomplish given that her Oriko manga goals should now be moot for obvious reasons?
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