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Old 2006-01-29, 16:56   Link #23
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Austin, TX
Age: 35
Originally Posted by kj1980
I was just wondering what teenagers in Japan think is cool today?
Their own TV stars and pop music artists, fashion trends, basically the same thing as in the U.S.

Like, what do teenagers like to do for fun or in their free time?
Karaoke, arcade gaming, hanging out with friends.

What do teenagers think is "hot"?
Most likely similar to the U.S.

What do teenagers want to buy or can't live without, besides food and water ?
A mobile phone.

Oh and just for fun, what do Japanese teenagers think of America and the English language?
No one cares, like the majority of the kids in your country doesn't care about things happening outside of their own social life. Do you really think Japanese high school kids caring about some Texan dullard (read: Pres. Bush) ? Do you really think American high school kids caring about some Japanese dude with funky hairdo (read: PM Koizumi)? Same thing.
I visited Japan not too long ago, (my uncle lives there) and I have some friends who are Japanese Teenagers. What you've said is true but there are also some rather strange fads. If you think that the goths in the United States are bad, you should see the Japanese ones, they're crazy I saw them walking around in all this black in Tokyo in the middle of July, for anyone who hasn't been to tokyo in the summer its above 100F every day. Whats really funny is that there are also these girls who dress all in white like the old European china faced dolls with all the lace and stuff and they hang out with the goth kids. Weird huh? And while most Japanese teenagers might not care a lot about bush, they do think he's a massive idiot.
In terms of sexual equality, women have it much worse off there than they do here. Japan is still an male dominated society, and a prime example of it and the shit that men get away with is the subways. In Japanese and Korean subways there is a massive problem with groping. It is not uncommon for Japanese women to be harrassed during rush hour. It got so bad in Korea that they had to make all women cars, but in some cases that made it worse, because if the all women cars were full then they would have to go to the mixed cars, and some twisted fucks have the mindset, "hey if they came to the mixed cars they want to get groped."

Other random facts about japan!
This is knowledge I picked up from my uncle, while I was there he was dealing with Mitsubishi. The best University in japan is Tokyo U or Todai, Todai is almost like a cult after you leave, if you didn't go to Todai and you work with people who do, they will go out of there way to screw you. And not just co-workers, your boss too. Japanese companies also love to commit fraud. It is rotine for them to employ other companies without a contract and then simply backdate the contract when they get around to it. This causes problem when they work with foreign firms, like the one my uncle works at. They refused to sign a contract and also insisted that the workers from my uncle's company continue to work for them.

The Japanese also still have a sevear superiority/inferiority complex toward other countries. They believe themselves superior or wont admit when they've been bested. Prime examples in Anime, look at how bad America comes off in Prince of Tennis, seriously just watch. But they also still feel tons of guilt, especially toward Korea for what they did while they occupied it during the 20th century.

I love Japan, but they have an extremely complex society, in some ways its even more messed up than the United States. (is that possible?)
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit ~Coach Davids

More of a manga reader now than an anime watcher. Currently reading list here
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