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Old 2006-01-28, 18:35   Link #21
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by Archuka
Finland was the first country in the world to allow women to vote and currently we have a female president, yet women in average earn noticeably less than men for doing the same work.
This is a dangerous statistical generalization. Does it apply the same WITHIN jobs?

Apparently people did such research and made general claims like "female professors earn less than male professors in Universities", and upon deeper investigation there was an underlying reason found. Basically, female professors were mostly those of the social sciences or the arts, while male professors dominated the hard sciences. Hard science (medical, physics, biology, astrophysics, etc) professors earn more money than non-science professors in general. It was also found that within departments, the wages between sexes were equal (and in some cases, the females were paid more).

This bubble has been burst, but the myth persists.

Don't depend on statisticians to do your thinking for you.
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