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Old 2006-01-25, 11:49   Link #53
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Unhappy How can I get this song??

I'm looking for a song from Haibane Renmei. It's played a few times, but I know one time in particular that it is played is during episode 11 while Rakka is crying about wanting to help Rekki. It sounds like "Ailes Grises" but it is played in a minor key and it sounds much sadder. It's not on either of the three cd's I have.
So if anyone either knows where I can buy it, or at least the title of the song it would be a great help >^_^<

p.s. and if anyone knows what's being sung on the track "Ethereal Remains" I'd like to know that as well

Thank you ~
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