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Old 2006-01-25, 04:58   Link #29
Just call me Ojisan
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: U.K. Hampshire
Originally Posted by vin.dictive
The forum needs the all time shallow, 'who is hawt' thread when the time comes. It'll be a tough call for fandom.
I think you answered the question yourself, "all time shallow" is a good description

We will be having a "Favourite Character" poll (but not for a little while yet), and as such a "who is hawt" is just a subset of the same question (to a large extent). I don't think we really want such such similar polls.

But it might be nice to have a "Favourite Character" poll twice, the first half way through the season and another at the end of the series. See if there is much change in the order. Mind, we already have a limited poll already so maybe we just need another one at the end of the series. I think that would be up to kj1980 as he knows the series better than I.
Originally Posted by Pellissier
Maybe not now, but I was thinking it could be convenient to make two separate threads for sign requests and avatar gif requests.
As it is now, the current Avatar/sign request is enough, since it's filled at 95% by sig request. But they're a lot, and since I'm expecting the amount of gif request to increase later (with the incoming of more fights) it wouldn't be bad to have two different places.
Personally I'm a gif maker, and I'm finding very difficult to surf in that thread while looking for requests, it's true that they are actually very few, but it's very likely for a gif request to be buried under the others, thus very difficult to see/follow/accomplish it/them.
I never considered the need for separate threads for Avatars and Signatures. Do you really think we need them? Note: this is more of a general question since clearly Pellissier thinks there is a need.
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