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Old 2013-02-24, 16:59   Link #79
ANEGO Worshiper
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: By the vending machine, drinking tea.
Welp, I liked the wasn't anything special to be honest but it wasn't a bad movie at all so it gets a thumbs up from me at least.

I really liked that they didn't use the very thing that has plagued me whenever I try watching the anime version...the freaking seals when they use magic. Seriously, why did they put that in the anime? You can see from the movie that magic can be perfectly animated without needing the annoying magical seals as if they were necessary (yes, as petty as it seems it is one of the main reasons why I don't watch the anime version).

Also liked the overall art style, felt more like the manga rather than the anime.

The story was decent, the fights were so very weak though. Juvia and Grey's fight was kinda boring...and Juvia is one of my favorite characters of all time. Erza's fight was stupid and nearly put me to sleep. I did like Gajeel's fight, it was simple and quick, very well done IMHO.
The fight with everyone vs the phoenix was decent...had a mini Acnologia fight feel to it but it wasn't anything special.

I agree with some people about the Natsu fight with Dist, I too was expecting Natsu to eat the Phoenix (maybe I've been a bit spoiled by the Naruto movies where he uses a new plot related rasengan every damn movie) and the fact that it wasn't used was kinda a good way. Though the fact that Natsu was completely destroyed at first but suddenly was strong enough to fight Dist for no reason other than nakama power and rage was BS...then again it is FT and Nakama power > Everything else.

But again, the plot was good and the story was told quite nicely...if the fights had been much better then this would have been a fantastic movie, but since they were all so weak I'll keep it in the Decent Movie category.
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