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Old 2013-02-16, 22:52   Link #97
Join Date: May 2012
Age: 46
omg, how a thread about erza turning in thread about manga/anime gender????, about natsu? and about dbz? traning?(lol it's ok if erza still in the middle of the chat but when she vanish completely from the topic then the things start to look really wrong.

wtf kitten320 you can stop to being a hater and complainer? along this forum??? or you want another round of deleted posts????, if you dont like FT then "dont read/watch" it's simple this is not that "Seirei No Mrobito" who you want, stop of compare, this is the worst argument for haters when their start to compare two completely differents works(even different demograph like shounen and seinen), if fairy tail is so boring so bad for you go watch magi it's simple dont waste your time watching something just for the sake of hate, and dont make all this off topic(end even when you are on topic is just for hate).

it seems that some people do not know the difference between hate, dislike, complain and criticize...
criticize: when in "your personnal opnion you dislked something and maybe for yourself only(and maybe others peoples with the same opnion) can be better in other way(not forcing your personnal opnion in the others peoples) showing really valid and good arguments(with some little exceptions of just hate/complain)

dislike: when you simple dont like something, this dont means "hate"(dislike and hate are two completely different things) however you can also "hate"

hate: when you simple hate something and start to "bash and complain about that thing trying to force your personal opinion (hate) above the opnion of other, and using excuses to make comparations with others things just to find more reasons to hate.

complain: bash and complain about what you hate and dont give any positive argument about that thing, just looking at his faults (and in severe cases even creating new defects), without ever pointing the positives and making comparations even completely without logic.

about the lava thing, i think was explainned who he survived because he was wearing a "jade necklace" who the princess give to him who have some sort of jade dragon power who protected him from the lava and also the horologium who caught him when that protection started to fail, this is a manga/anime/cartoon/magazine logic if you dont like, dont complain.

Last edited by ellessarr; 2013-02-17 at 11:20.
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