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Old 2013-02-11, 20:04   Link #93
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Ontario, CA
Age: 34
Just got back from an Orthopedic doctor and it turns out my left wrist is just inflamed, tendonitis, and most likely due to working out as that was the only type of physical change I had done prior to noticing the pain. They did X-rays also which did not indicate any fractures o bone problems. I'll be wearing a splint for awhile and taking some anti-inflammatory meds. It should get better but if the meds don't work, I'll be seeing the doc in 2 weeks.
"Avoiding the truth but trying not to lie, and it's just terrible."

"Caring may occur without curing, but curing cannot occur without caring."

“Uncertainty is the most disturbing part of decision making.”
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