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Old 2006-01-23, 16:43   Link #61
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 44
Originally Posted by stormy001_M1A2
Gilgamesh, judging from his legend alone, should have owned all other Servants, even Saber. I do wonder why he is holding back his real power in last Grail War.
He has feelings for Saber, remember.

Shirou's stepfather decided to destroy the Grail instead of completing it and suffered from it in consequence.So in end question, is the Grail evil or good in entirety? Why is he destroy the Grail?
The Grail is good, but is corrupted. More is explained in HA.

Another FHA question, what is story regarding about the Gorgon sisters? Anyone willing to summarize it for me?
In a nutshell, Nasu's version of the tale is that the 2 older Gorgon sister is immortal but powerless and Medusa is the one who can fight. And she has to face human who came to the island to fight the siblings looking for fame, fortune or whatever to protect her sisters. One day, she goes Berserk and cast Andromeda on her 2 older siblings.....
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