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Old 2013-02-10, 20:34   Link #82
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Oh, I did, but how much of that was Erza just learning how Kagura fights? Natsu and Gadjeel did the same thing with Sting and Rogue. Once he got beat around and learned how they fought, he was able to take both of them down with ease.
Even in Round 1, not many enemies can wreck Erza that badly. But again, my main complaint was how quickly Round 2 ended. I loved Erza one-shotting Aria since they hadn't fought before and she was still building her rep at the time, but her Kagura comeback really needed another chapter or so to deliver on the fight buildup, preferably with Erza pushing her limits to close the physical gap.

Re: Natsu soloing DF Sting and Rogue, that was sooo weird, and a big part of the post-timeskip powerlevel mess. Considering pre-powerup Natsu was struggling with Max, it would mean Second Origin was a frickin' huge powerup. That's unfortunate, since Second Origin was a really lame plot device that they basically got for free. The other problem is Erza got the same powerup, but Kagura still mopped the floor with her. (Unless Gray was right about Erza already having Second Origin, which would make her the only one who got double-screwed by the double-timeskip... But that's not a confirmed thing.)
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