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Old 2013-01-14, 20:13   Link #24
Join Date: May 2012
Age: 46
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Actually, Natsu likes both as friends/guildmates. Lisanna seems to like Natsu, and Lucy almost seems to prefer keeping things as friends. Though not totally opposed to the idea (remember the time she thought Natsu liked her?)
judging for all hints us get from anime/manga/ova/omakes/movies i think who lucy indeed love natsu but due to her inaptitude with love and boyfriends(who was showed in episode 50 or omake 71.5 ) like kaijo say lucy prefer stay in the friend zone confort waiting for natsu confess to her, natsu likes lucy(not totally in love but is in development and already looking th her as his special person) already forget his crush on lisanna and also lisanna forget her crush on natsu and today only really care for her brothers.

natsu i think he have feelings for lucy, all the sources already given many hints who natsu see lucy not just as a guildmater or "nakama" but "something more", i dont say who he totally in love with her but due to his actions (almost live in lucy house(he already sleeped in her house countless times) always calling her to do jobs, alwas come to confort her when she needed, being a almost "special summon" of her to appear 70% to 80% of the times when she is near death or "calling for him"(this is 100%), being few pervert toward her(in the episode 112 of anime in the preview when he talking with happy, happy asking what he likes to do: natsu you do anything more than sleep, eat and fight? - then natsu replay, ofcourse i like to sneak lucy house, i like to mess with lucy, lucy... ; he is too much attached to her to be "just a friend" he is much more a "dense character" who is not to much aware on his own feelings he missjudge his feelings with friendship and having a heavy childsh personality also dont help to much either, since lisanna return from edolas the relation between natsu and lisanna goes total to oblivion they have almost 0 interaction along the manga/anime just one scene here or there, nothing who us can say who he still having feelings for her.

lisanna - i think after all the mangas e animes hints looks like she forget her crush toward him, because the time she spend in edolas(she passed 2 years in edolas looking to edolas lucy flirting in a tsundere way with edolas natsu), this helped her move away from her crush for him and today only look to him like a friend maybe still some very little feelings but not enought to make her want fight with lucy for natsu, she is almost 100% dedicated to her family since her return and already showed 2 times being supportive to natsu x lucy.

Last edited by ellessarr; 2013-01-14 at 20:27.
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