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Old 2012-12-23, 01:39   Link #10
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Chiibi View Post
I can understand this part....but the character was believed to be a sibling, thus treated as one for several years and then to suddenly switch to a romantic interest....yeah, that is a bit jarring...and quite unrealistic.
I don't think that mindset would be so easily switched. In the real world, the girl would be like " he's still like my brother." Which is why I've never been that sold on the childhood friend romance thing either.
In this particular case, I think there are definitely factors related to Kazuto's being trapped in SAO that made the whole situation a bit more believable than the stereotypical trope. I'm not so sure that her feelings for him would be the same if not for the fact that he was basically unreachable for two years, she took refuge in ALO as a sort of attempt to get closer to him, and then his return coupled by with his "sudden" (from her perspective) change in attitude towards her... and this all at a pretty critical part of her teenaged years. So I can sort of understand how all this might come together in that form.
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