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Old 2012-10-22, 13:30   Link #99
Alastor Mobius Toth
Idar Lead
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: World Marshall bureau
Poles had bigger impact on America's history then some people assume.

...Waitwaitwait, is that a pattern I see?

What do you mean, you derailed the thread!? Well, go back and fix it dammn it!

On topic note, for the people who choose to fight - or at least pilot a TSF, what unit would you pick, and why?

So far, I have three choices:

1.)EF-2000 Typhoon.
Beyond just looking bloody cool and having a wide scheme of outrageous color schemes, it's solid, fast multipurpose machine, which is equally good at chopping something with an axe as it is in shooting copious amounts of bullets. And it's not made by the French.

2.)Su-47E Berkut
Insane speed and maneuverability, stuck in one of the most badass mech designs conceived to date. I imagine the super-maneuverability makes it hard to control, but it could probably outrun everything short of a Raptor...and maybe even it. And it has motorized chainsaws. You don't go better then that.

3.)MiG-29 OVT Fulcrum
It's the MiG-29, but better! More speed, better avionics, more awesome paint scheme and still has four chainsaw blades of death. Range is an issue, given its LTSF. But other then that, excellent dog-fighter.

Cui is also making me consider the J-10X.
Let the world fear us all.
It's just means to an end.
Our salvation lies in the Father's sins.
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