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Old 2012-10-17, 12:13   Link #40
Join Date: Sep 2012
About as good as the number of bullets you have in store, provided that you're facing against Soldier Classes, and the BETA always attack by the hundreds. if you're lucky. If there's one thing Muv Luv did right, it would be that the aliens are far, FAR better than zombies.

And well, officially the Malaysian Army is like 1 million strong or less (I actually think that I'm exaggerating the numbers by a lot), but the real army are... less than two hundred thousand. Not to mention that our nation is small, we have virtually no land machines, we rely on mainly Air Force which are so fucked by Laser Classes, Sabah and Sarawak are severely under-developed (as my Sarawakian roommate complains to me almost every day), Indonesia is a jungle... Well Thailand would put up a good fight, but seriously, Malaysia and Indonesia are just out of the league against BETA.
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