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Old 2006-01-07, 04:57   Link #64
Counting days
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Not even close to the Caribbean anymore
Originally Posted by Knightmare213

Sorry about it but its just that I've been wanting to continue my old fan fiction I started November on 04' (at least I planned out the plot on November) and there are about ninteen chapters to go.

If you want to read Warp's first, go right ahead. I'm sure you won't catch up to the latest chapter soon because...

First Chapter (plot creation took about half an year or so) : 6323 words
Second Chapter (three months after first) : 5648 words
Third Chapter (a week after) : 6077 words
Fourth Chapter (weekly) : 7097 words
Fifth Chapter (weekly) : 5430 words
Sixth Chapter (weekly) : 8248 words <--This one almost put on a hospital bed because I didn't either eat or sleep much until I finished it.
Seventh Chapter (pre-editing) 7598 words

Now if that doesn't make you hesitate how much you would have to read, I don't know what will.

And its more likely for the word counts will rise after the revision is over.

Also, for every chapter I wrote, the word count must be above than 5000 words and below 8500 words. I also had set up a policy to produce chapter per week but I won't be able to do that anymore since I might be off to university on September and I'll be doing a monthly update.

Also, the project I'm working on will probably the longest. The Destiny Variant Factors is the first book of four, each book consisting of twenty-six chapters.

Estimated time for me to finish all of it will take at least two to three years or even more. There is a low chance that I'll ever give up on this and not finish it.
Are you purposefully trying to dissuade me from reading your fic? Okay, I ended dehydrated in Inamori clinic with a tenteki (intravenous drip) while writing a fic, but it was because I was writing while having a bad stomach bug. You should sleep!!! It's nice to write long chapters, but not at the cost of your health! I feel for you! And here I was worried my hubby would end up in hospital for playing Halo until very late... Anyway, do write your gundam fic, but take care of yourself!
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Frank Parsons
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