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Old 2012-09-22, 09:24   Link #79
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I liken A-1 to a Sunrise Lite. They seem to have a similar theory as to how they like to operate and the kinds of shows they prefer to do (It's no coincidence Accel World and SAO ended up airing around the same time), but as was mentioned earlier Sunrise just seems to love to cut loose at places other than the action scenes (especially studio 8) and the first episode of the show whereas A-1 seems to watch the wallet a little more so to speak. I've been pretty impressed with both of late though...well actually probably moreso A-1 since Sunrise has long been established as a go to studio for my preferences whereas A-1 I honest to god used to confuse with P.A Works of all studios up until about a year ago when they started taking on all these interest projects and it became clear that they have a strong financial backing and large scope/ambition.
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