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Old 2012-09-04, 02:30   Link #97
Join Date: Feb 2011
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Originally Posted by DoomRavager View Post
Except that TSFs don't use screens for display of HUD and outside views.

With that said, the kind of contrivance that would have to go into an Imperial Royal Guardsman nobody somehow ending up in or even accompanying a top secret UN task force that only draws from rigorously pre-screened candidates at Yokohama, on a mission where the plan explicitly arranged for them to do it alone, simply boggles the mind.

And TSFs deploying sentry turrets with bombs having yield a third of the size of a standard S-11? The XG-70's main guard unit somehow managing to end up on the "other side of the hive"? Granted, making up virtually impossible scenarios and breaking continuity willy-nilly is kind of par for the course where fanfiction in general is concerned, but.
For simplicity's sake, a tiny holographic(ish) screen beamed directly into your eye is still a screen.

How is Izumi being on the Valkyrie Squad a problem in canon, particularly she has UN connections through Yui and Yamashiro, Yuuhi is vouching for her from the Japan side, and she's in a final offensive mission where the rest of the squad are using exchanged Royal Guard Takemis? And isn't going from the Royal Guard to a special UN team precisely what happened when Yui was assigned to Project Prominence in canon?

As for everything else...

I think you're testing me because you know I'm a secondary.

Last edited by Hagoshod; 2012-09-04 at 02:52.
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