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Old 2012-07-27, 17:34   Link #96
U mad?
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by Esebian View Post
I'm not so sure about this, I mean, what if a disease would affect your brain aswell? I mean the players are connected to the game by a helmet that actually read your brainwaves and interferes them; wouldn't then the other way round also possible? So that your brainwaves are intefered by some sort of disease like fever, headaches or even something terrifying like a meningitis would result in the same disease ingame... I'm not totally sure about this, but I think it makes (at least some) sort of sense.
They are under observation 24/7 in the hospital, if they catch meningitis or any serious disease in a hospital, as a guardian I'd change hospitals fast

Once again, while catching a disease is possible, ultimately this is a story about fighting and surviving in a virtual death game; hence thinking logically, there shouldn't be many (if any) incidents when the real body will hinder the virtual avatar.
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