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Old 2012-07-27, 15:59   Link #95
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Age: 31
Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
go back to the first ep in explaining how the game got its data on the players. The players input the data in the game. The players are only wearing a helmet which connect them to the game. How the real life body is deteriorating have no bearing on the game itself unless the body dies.
I'm not so sure about this, I mean, what if a disease would affect your brain aswell? I mean the players are connected to the game by a helmet that actually read your brainwaves and interferes them; wouldn't then the other way round also possible? So that your brainwaves are intefered by some sort of disease like fever, headaches or even something terrifying like a meningitis would result in the same disease ingame... I'm not totally sure about this, but I think it makes (at least some) sort of sense.
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