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Old 2012-07-25, 13:18   Link #24
Wild Goose
Truth Martyr
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Doing Anzu's paperwork.
Age: 38
Originally Posted by LystAP View Post
Carrier-class BETA.
Don't help him! He'll get lazy! I've been trying (unsuccessfully x_x) to get him to improve on the whole concept of "thinking out the fic idea" for the last five years! If you help him, it's cheating!

Take the Ace Combat games, replace all the aircraft with TSFs. I bet that there will be very little changes, if at all, in their stories.

Imagine the TSF equivalents of the FALKEN, Morgan, and Wyvern; especially the former two with their Tactical Laser Systems .
Hax. Great wonderful hax. It's about time the BETA got a taste of their own medicine. XD ^____________^ That said, I'm pretty sure the Takemikazuchi is the closest thing to the Wyvern.

Mind you, had Mobius One been among the UN forces around the time of 12/5, he would have wiped the floor with everyone. Unless Walken is supposed to be Mobius One... nah, not enough steamrolling over everyone.
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