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Old 2012-07-17, 14:38   Link #54
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
yeah, ok ....

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
Well, if you nuke the whole freaking server, I don't think any monitoring will be relevant anymore xD And if there is no more link between the NervGear and the server, there will be no kill switch to press, isn't it ?
You're assuming everything is server-side. Given that there are already automatic kill switch that is built into the helmet for tampering, it would be naive to think that there wouldn't be something put in place for something as obvious as taking out the server. Kayaba is a genius, not an idiot.

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
Yeah but at the same time, Kayaba allowed them to be moved since he allowed them to be transported in hospital. Then, there is two possibilities : A) there is no gyroscope to read movement or B) there is but there were disabled for a short time. If it's A, it's definitively doable and the blueprint would tell that since it's a mass produced product.
Flawed assumption, you have no idea what kind of technology are present in a NervGear, thus you cannot assume that those two are the only methods available.

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
You're right, I'm not but we see every time the cop exploding just the lock of a door on the TV with little explosive, is it just bullshit ? ^^''
One should not believe everything they see on TV. And no, you can certainly use explosives to destroy locks/doors, I've done so on multiple occasions, the key here is that there is not a human head behind said locks/doors. You put those explosives on that NervGear, you'll either kill the player with the blast, or kill the player with the frags created by the blast.

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
You're right about that but it's the other way around too : if thousands more players die while under the surveillance of the hospital/government they will be held responsible for theses deaths as well. Life is hard eh ?
Why? it's effectively a hostage situation, do you blame the police when the hostage taker kills hostages?

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
For an hospital yes, they have counter-measure but I'm wondering how they managed to take care of 8'000 persons in only 2 hours knowing they are in the entire Japan. It would be nothing hard if it was 10 persons in a small village but I'm guessing most where in Tokyo and it's probably not very easy to make room for thousands of peoples in such short time.
You're vastly underestimating the logistical and medical capability of a modern industrialized nation. If Japan cannot manage the transportation of merely 10k people in a non-disaster situation, they've got way bigger problems.

Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
My point being : there is a good probability that some stayed in their room. And what if someone who had one of the 10'000 license didn't connect right away but one day later ? What if an employe of the society tried the game ?
You realize that there is a 100% probability that Argus, the company that published SAO, knows the information of all 10k players right? Also, considering that SAO is the first virtual MMO ever, you think the 10k gamers who were lucky enough to get it in what's effectively an extremely limited release would not play it on day 1?

and what is "an employe of the society"?
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