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Old 2012-07-16, 15:12   Link #96
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
I don't know how he could do that while monitoring the game but ok. Why not remove the battery of the nerve gear ? Without power, even if the signal is sent, it will do no harm.

They can even train themselves with the "used" ones....
1. we don't know how the Nerv Gear are construct, so we don't know if are even batteries to remove or even how easy it would be.

2. if i was mastermind i would make sure any attempt to remove or disable the Nerv gear would trigger the microwave blast.

3. it is easy to talk about fictional people but in real life i tell in a real to push a button and there is 50% chance someone will die but 100% chance they will live if you don't push the button. Would you push the button?

4. a large chunk of software and network developer work at home these days. Also programmers love putting in backdoors into their systems, backdoors which even management don't know about. Kayaba being able to monitor his "game' form a remote location is beleiveable and easy.

Originally Posted by ZGMF-X10A View Post
Anyone know if a boss respawns when they die? Like can they farm a boss over and over? If that's the case wouldn't Kirito have a disadvantage because the guilds would just pk solo players?
1. No
2. by the time guilds were form, Kirito was way too high in levels to pk without losses form the other side.

Last edited by Xellos-_^; 2012-07-16 at 21:21.
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