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Old 2012-07-16, 14:14   Link #90
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Age: 31
Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
Well, I still don't quite understand : the whole game is running on a server somewhere, right ? Why not just reboot or destroy this server to free everyone ?

Or why isn't possible to reroute the access to the network to another server similar but without the kill thing ? Blocking IP and/or changing DNS should still be doable in 2024....

And I assume that this guy had some help to develop everything, co-workers, a society, .... They could be a huge help and they will help because they surely don't want to be trow in jail because of their boss.

As for the boss, I can't imagine anyone able to hide while connected to the net to overview what's going on in the game. I mean, we can already do it (more or less) and here it's ten years in the future !
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