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Old 2012-07-12, 09:26   Link #75
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Shows the BETA-held territory.

There were two major BETA assaults on Great Britain across the English channel, in 1985 and in 1996, repelled both times, with difficulty.

Australia is clear for now and accepting refugees. Unites States also accepts refugees, and offers US citizenship to any refugees willing to enlist in the U.S. armed forces.

Soviet government currently resides in Alaska.

Combined Arabs and Jews, et al are preventing BETA incursions from the Iran and Iraq hives from invading Egypt across the Suez.

COSEAN (Coalition of South East Asian Nations) holding the line in Thailand.

As for radical war-winning technologies, the main "radical new technologies" revolve around the use of G-elements (which basically amount to alien-made phlebotnium that humans can't figure out how to manufacture and have all sorts of weird properties like one having negative mass, another being a room temperature superconductor, and so on) captured from the nuked Canada landing unit.

The first is the XG-70, a product of the HI-MARF project, a gigantic flying fortress armed with an experimental charged particle cannon as well as gatlings, missiles with S-11 warheads, railguns and so on, which flies by gravity control and shields itself from lasers and BETA by way of gravitational warp fields (Rutherford fields).

It was shelved due to human technology of the time being insufficient to fine-control the shape of the Rutherford field for safe controlled flight, and because of the invention of the G-bomb, which makes use of a runaway G-element reaction to create massive spacetime/gravitational distortions tearing up everything within a certain large radius, which can be deployed without fear of lasers because it also produces a Rutherford field that distorts lasers around it, without that pesky problem the XG-70 had of needing to fine-tune the field shape for safe controlled flight. The downside is that it creates permanent severe gravitational distortions and fluctuations in the area where it explodes, making the land around it unsuitable for supporting life ever again. Because of which, only two have ever been deployed as a test case (which allowed them to capture Hive 22), and the results of the test case were enough that there is significant political pressure holding back any further G-bomb deployment.

Alternative Plans are based around finding an alternative to winning the war besides conventional military might. Alternative I was an attempt to figure out how BETA communicate and ended in complete failure. Alternative II revolved around capturing live BETA for study but failed to return anything significant about BETA physiology besides "carbon-based reactions are involved somehow". Alternative III used mass-produced Soviet ESPers in two-seater modified F-14s to infiltrate Hives and attempt psychic communication with the BETA, and returned no significant results besides the fact that the BETA do not consider humans to be living organisms, killing most of the ESPers in the process. Alternative IV's objective is a spoiler. Alternative V involves the evacuation of 100,000 humans on a migrant space fleet to another Earthlike planet in the Barnard Star system a few lightyears away, while the United States initiates mass G-bomb bombardment on the Eurasian continent, and is the final fallback in case Alternative IV fails.

Spoiler for Alternative V results:

So yes, in terms of conventional arms, the TSFs are set up as humanity's valuable anti-BETA weapon to the bitter end. If you can consider giant humanoid machines to be "conventional arms", anyway.

@Silvance: Well, they did offer up the Silent Eagle and later the Lightning II for export, at least. As a peace offering of sorts "here you can have stealth too!", I suppose? Not like IRL Congress isn't blocking F-22 export anyway.

Last edited by DoomRavager; 2012-07-12 at 09:55.
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