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Old 2012-07-12, 05:25   Link #66
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Originally Posted by Tempester View Post
1. Nukes do exist in the BETAverse, and it's likely true that they aren't as advanced as nukes in today's world.

2. There actually is a lot more unity, since they do have a common enemy. But their strategies against that enemy conflict a lot, with some groups wanting to use special technology to fight the BETA head on, and others wanting to bomb the hell out of them. So while there aren't much of outright wars between countries, there is much political tension and sneaky underhanded tactics going on.

3. I think they are immune to radiation, or at least largely unaffected. But they can be easily killed by the force of a nuke.
Against "zergling" style rush, they need use the neutron bombs or tactical nuclear weapons

Last edited by encia; 2012-07-12 at 05:36.
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