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Old 2012-07-10, 03:43   Link #27
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
Another season, another popular show, another Yuki Kaijura soundtrack. It's almost become trite at this point. I've still never gotten into her music nearly as much as the rest of the community seems to have (I honestly had no idea who she was or how to identify her music until around the time of Madoka Magica really and even then I have trouble recalling what her BGM's sound like), but she's always been pretty serviceable from what I've heard. Just never managed to stand out and so far it's not seeming like this is going to be much different. It really does sound a fair bit like her Fate/Zero work and I'd say that while I can never recall individual songs by her I've definitely come to be able to identify her particular sound in a given show.

As for the opening, it's decent, but somehow it doesn't really feel like it fits with the show. Just doesn't do much for me or get me pumped up for the show like I would expect.
I'm interested in knowing what kind of scores stood out to you, seeing as how Yuki Kajiura's compositions are considered some of the most distinct in the current anime OST word. Some of Yoko Kanno's compositions, perhaps?

I understand that music is a highly subjective topic, and this is just my opinion on the matter. While I concur that her sounds are homogenous in nature, I do believe that her scores are able to brilliantly augment the subtext and emotions of the scenes, which is what a good score strives to achieve. Where any other score would probably have made the explanation scene just another bit of exposition, her's managed to strongly convey the sense of dread and the epic scale of the this undertaking. Similarly her music was able to capture and heighten the scenes in Madoka and Fate/Zero. (Interesting note: she also worked on .hack//Sign)

But I agree, the opening is rather run-of-the-mill. There's nothing that really stands out about this standard J-pop fare, and the OP isn't very creative with it either.

Last edited by com_gwp; 2012-07-10 at 03:58.
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