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Old 2012-07-09, 12:31   Link #9
It's yuri, bitches
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Age: 28
Originally Posted by Kaioshin Sama View Post
Yeah Accel World is to the 3DS as SAO is to the virtual boy. Plus the acceleration ability is a nice bonus and has many practical real life uses. I'm not going to lie I'd love to be able to do that and play games at the same time, it's like the ultimate gamer's empowerment fantasy, whereas I would definitely not want to be trapped in SAO having to fight my way out, which is probably the utlimate gamers nightmare. Like I said quite different stories and takes on the pros and cons of where gaming could be headed at some point in the future, with an obviously fantastical twist.

Yeah though this is because Accel World takes place like 50 years from now whereas I think SAO is only 10 years in the future. Lot of time to make massive technological leaps and honestly I'd swear almost plausible in some fashion if technology really is advancing as fast as people like Sony claim. At least more plausible than some people might argue.

Ummm no not really from what I've seen of it. If you've actually watched the show you'd know it has plenty of plot and character development as well as a ton of backstory. Are you sure you actually watched Accel World? Also this show has barely even gotten off the ground, how can you even begin to say it has much of a plot going on. It's been pretty much pure exposition and setup with this episode. I wish people wouldn't jump the gun so much and allow the story to actually go somewhere before making these sweeping generalizations about what the show does or doesn't have.
Yes, I am watching Accel World. AW is wasting it's potential on stupid moe and ecchi comedy instead of plot and characters development. It's not bad, just very disappointing for me as a sci-fi nerd.
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