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Old 2012-07-08, 10:07   Link #91
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 29
Originally Posted by DevilHighDxD View Post
"Heart wrenching"? Hahaha, have every body jump off to their death or just die for all i care. I never care about these lesser character anyway (exception is Kirito's cousin), I feel like the author made the MC feel in love too quickly, cincest ftw even though they are not biological cousin.
Originally Posted by DevilHighDxD View Post
If Asuna can just die(yeah I know what I am saying) but I am still rooting for Suguha Kirigaya and Kirito. Alfheim Online >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sword Art Online. I mean the COUSIN......
Uh.. Then the story must've failed in making care for those "lesser" characters, as you call them, but.. I don't think the problem is with the story or the writing...

Asuna can just die? The main heroine? Uh huh. Not gonna happen. Sorry. ;p

As for the current discussion (Asuna x Kirito), I'm sure their romance will still blossom early on, and much earlier than in the majority of fantasy orientated action-adventures with romantic sub-plots. However, that alone isn't what makes it so good; it's certainly part of the reason, but we can't forget the execution (which is well done in this case) as well as the fact that their romance does a lot of things "right". It isn't a matter of subjectivity, but of objectivity.

Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
After further thoughts, I think a key sticking point here is that Shinji sees the "event" as an equivalent of an "end-game" event which only happens very late in your typical anime stories like ZnT, while said event seems to have occured rather early in the overall Sword Art Online storyline. This is understandable since I think he's only read vol.1 so far.

The thing is if one continue reading the rest of the story, he will realize that instead of it being a kind of watershed moment or a end-game event, it is merely a beginning of a continuing story element.
Yes, I agree with Shinji in that respect. More often than not, it's something seen at the end of a series, and it's because of that there isn't much development to be had for the pair. There also isn't much interaction to be seen between the pair. But because it happens early on, it's like you said, it's merely the beginning for them. Beginning at such a stage allows for more development for both characters, as well as more adorable romantic moments.

Originally Posted by Deltaray View Post
Heathcliff's Holy Sword looks pretty dam nice from opening :c can't wait to see more of that.
Indeed! The OP was very well done. :>

Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post
However, based on the way the story played out in my head, I would want the story to them have its time-skip over to 2-years-later proper after Aria, showcasing the matured Kirito/Asuna, only to explore the pains and other mini-adventures that they had went through over the 2 years. (via flashback, or what not)

I stand to be proven wrong though, assuming the anime team decides to go full-chronological order.
Agreed. A side story or two introducing some of the main cast after Aria could work well. The rest of the side stories (that is, if they don't keep it in complete chronological order) could be shown as flash backs after the time-skip.
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