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Old 2012-07-07, 23:21   Link #82
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
Except, there IS value in how early it happens. One of the first and foremost values being that it was unique timing that we only see 3% of the time (if even that), which made SAO stand out, instead of it using the same old recipe.
The value that you assign to it is something subjective to you only, and while you're certainly entitled to it (hence why I said earlier we'll just have to agree to disagree), it is NOT an objective fact or standard. While uniqueness can be a plus, it is by no means something that's automatically good. There's a good reason why stuff like that typically don't happen at the beginning of the story.

Originally Posted by Shinji103 View Post
If you're saying it like that, then you don't really understand my point, and didn't properly read or understand my novel thread post that I linked.
Nope, I understand your point and your post, I simply do not agree with it. A chronological adaptation of SAO literally changes NOTHING about the event you're fretting over, except which episode it'll air in. It'd be like someone saying that FOX should've been commended for airing Firefly out of order, because it made it "unique".

Also, if you want to get technical, since SAO was originally written as a stand-alone work, technically the event you're talking about happened during the later parts of the story, which in your book makes it the "same old recipe".
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