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Old 2012-07-07, 17:28   Link #51
Enjoying Snack Time!
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Where It's Legal to Marry Clara and Alice
Age: 35
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I know what you're saying, and for me as long as they keep the sweet and deliciously awesomeness of Kirito and Asuna's relationship pure and intact, I can be content with that. I myself don't really see the need to add the 16.5 scenario in the anime just to show the bond between them because we, myself included, have read and grown to love them as a pair.

I'm a huge Asuna x Kirito fan because it's a pairing I truly care about and support 100% and I hope that the anime somehow manages to balance both the action and romance without so much as slowing down the pace of the story. A few anime have done this, and I hope SAO doesn't go that route.
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