Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2012-06-18, 20:10   Link #33
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
As for shapes as genjichan asked in another thread, a lot of the "UFOs of the supposedly alien kind" are other shapes. Cylinders, boxes, pie plates, triangles have all been reported or photographed.

UFO simply means "Unidentified Flying Object" in aviation speak, it does not automatically mean "I think I've seen a flying device piloted by creatures from another planet". Another word often used is "bogey" which derives from an old term for legendary ghostlike creatures with no specific appearance.

The image is too poor to make any conclusions but an aircraft with its lights on at night coming towards the viewer can look a lot like that... you won't hear any sound (distance and doppler effect) and it will appear to be stationary for a long time if it doesn't turn. If it does angle off... it can appear to be moving much faster tangentially than it really is.

How long was it observed? Did it ever move during that period?

"Jupiter" is probably not a good answer because though it can appear damned bright, you can't resolve a disk with the naked eye or even minor magnification.

Instead of hearing about the kind of car.. what was the sky like? Clear, cloudy, windy? storm? Moon status (full, crescent, none)? What kind of camera? Was it magnified (with digital magnification or optical?). What part of the sky was it in? (constellation preferably, but at least direction, time of night, and general location).

Pilots and astronomers know to record that data but often casual laypeople don't -- which means other than an interesting picture, not much can be determined.

Some people have seen the ISS+shuttle (which is big enough to appear quite bumpy to the naked eye as it soars overhead) and thought they'd seen an alien spacecraft...
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