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Old 2012-06-18, 15:36   Link #97
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by haegar View Post
Well, imho you can assume IMP is not working for RT from the chapters alone - he was tailing both Lucy and Wendy, possibly he didn't even "suck" Laxus in the fight full force or faked it thus abandoning Ivan, plus this last devious line of his when he spoke is really ominious - of course it might turn out Ivan is still a playa playa and it's all "just as planned" and the IMP is getting him and RT out - I doubt it though - the little shit has Zeref written all over his smugg evil smile ...currently I am seriously rooting for him being Zeref's "version" of a DS cat sidekick ...
One thing to consider is that there's no real reason to keep Ivan and minions in jail for the long term. They've been ousted from the tournament for cheating, and banned from participating for three years. That's not the same thing as the guild being destroyed, it's leader arrested by the council, and it's members arrested or dispersed. Even if Arcadios holds them for a while, he'd likely have difficulty holding them long term or vanishing them, and Charle's vision says that Mercurios is doomed to ruin which would probably let them loose in the confusion even if they were still held.

So Raven Tail's theoretically still active, just humiliated.
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