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Old 2012-06-07, 02:43   Link #3307
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Australia
First Name: Setsuko (which means snow child)
Surname: Setsuko is from the Yuki clan, who have the Kekki Genkai of ice style but doesn’t know his heritage.
Appearance: Blonde Hair, Green Eyes, Pale Skin
Background: Setsuko’s mother, from whom he receives his Kekki Genkai Ice Style, was raised in the Hidden Leaf after being chased out of the Hidden Mist because of her overpowering abilities. She met Setsuko‘s father in the Hidden Leaf and gave birth to Setsuko. Her powers were discovered and Setsuko’s mother was murdered and so too his father who died protecting her, leaving Setsuko to be raised by the village. He grew up in blissful ignorance of his village’s betrayal. He only realised he was different when he awakened his Kekki Genkai Ice Style. The village was scared of his power, and now aware of the murder of his parents and the recent massacre of the Uchihas he returned to the Hidden Mist where a new Mizukage had been elected, one much more tolerant of Kekki Genkais. He quickly rose through the ranks of the Hidden Mist as his affinity for ice techniques was noticed. He began training to join the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist and used his ice techniques to create his dual blades, Shiver and Shudder, formed from the hardest ice that are vital for his ultimate Jutsu. He continued training for the swordsmen until the harsh and cutthroat life that they live was revealed to him, he did not think he could betray his comrades, even for the sake of his village. He instead joined the Hidden Mist’s Kekki Genkai squad, a unique squadron sent on the toughest and most vital missions. When the Hidden Mist was taken over by the Akatsuki, he and his team are targeted as being the strongest shinobi in the village and are forced to flee and seek refuge with Setsuko’s father in the Hidden Leaf.
After the new Mizukage was elected and the Allied Shinobi forces were formed, Setsuko returned to The Hidden Mist and took up the dream to become the Mizukage.
The fellow members of his Kekki Genkai elite squad are:
Raiden, (meaning thunder and lightning) a user of the storm style formed from lightning and water chakra affinities.
Jouki,(meaning Steam) who is from has three chakra affinities, Earth, Fire and Water (same clan as Mizukage) generating the lava and boiling styles.
Setsuko’s Kekki Genkai enables him to meld wind and water chakra to utilise ice style ninjustu. This is a very rare and powerful Kekki Genkai only seen amongst the Yuki Clan
Rank: Genin 7, Chunin 10, Jounin 12
Summon: A snow wolf called Kouri (Ice) who can utilise ice mirrors and uses ice and ground techniques. He specialised in tracking and Taijustu.
Water Techniques
Water Element; Water Dragon Bullet
Water Element; Water Wall
Water Element; Water Prison Jutsu
Wind Techniques
Uses wind chakra to keep blades extremely sharp and to fire long range chakra blades.
Ice Techniques
Jutsu: Secret Technique: Blizzard Mode
Type: Taijustu
Effect: Setsuko freezes his swords onto each of his arms, his eyes turn bright blue, his hair freezes into spikes and he travels through the air at high speed by travelling through the water in the air. This technique dramatically increases Taijustu and enables a few highly damaging and powerful ice techniques. It enables 360 degrees vision by looking through small, reflected frozen vapour. While moving he mimics the look of a blizzard due to the snow whirling around him. It also lets Setsuko fly but that uses more chakra
Advantages: Dramatically increases speed and strength. Lets user channel chakra for ice techniques without hand seals, enables much higher mobility with swords
Disadvantages: Leaves user drained, can only be used for limited time, is less effective against long range fighters, can only use ice techniques

Jutsu: Ice Element: Glacier Prison Technique
Type: Ninjustu
Effect: By solidifying the water vapour around an area, one can freeze an area and all the people in it cryogenically imprisoning them for any length of time. The user can travel through the ice as though it is water.
Disadvantages: Uses large amount of chakra, easily predictable and dodge able due to air becoming cold, useless against users of space-time ninjustu.
Seals: Ox, Tiger, Snake, Hare, Monkey, Boar, Dog
Jutsu: Secret Technique: Reflective Ice Shards
Type: Ninjustu
Effect: Can only be used in Blizzard Mode. Similar to the effects of Demonic Ice Mirrors, except much more useful and versatile, this Jutsu uses ice to reflect objects. The difference between this and Demonic Ice Mirrors is that the Jutsu can transport weapons and others as well.
Advantages: Enables user to attack with almost unmatchable speed, Enables user to attack from impossible angles, Mirrors cannot be broken by Taijustu due to their ability to envelope and transport enemies, Can be used to trap enemies, can launch projectiles at super-human speed.
Disadvantages: Can be used to the enemy’s advantage, Mirrors quite susceptible to ninjustu, if mirror is damaged while user is inside it he is damaged as well. Can only be used in Blizzard Mode.
Jutsu: Secret Technique: Flash Icicle Storm
Type: Ninjustu
Effect: Can only be used in Blizzard Mode, user launches icicles from arms at high speeds that shatter into smaller icicles causing a nearly unavoidable storm of sharp projectiles.
Advantages: High speed, almost a definite hit, uses small amounts of chakra
Disadvantages: Is easily blocked, can only be used in blizzard mode.
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