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Old 2012-05-20, 02:34   Link #29
Evil Mage
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location:, not there.Yes, there!
Age: 32
Name: Drake Blacksong
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eyes: Red
Clothing: Black Pants, a White shirt, a Black coat and Black Boots
Weapons: Martial Arts
Magic: Dark, Light, Fire, Ice, Heavenly, Spirit and Living Magic (Rumors say he can do Death Magic)
Origin: Small peaceful village
Guild: None
Rank: That Bastard
Likes: Peace and Breasts
Dislikes: Conflict and Flat chests
Personality: Easy going, always try's to resolve things peacefully, when he talks to women he usually ends up getting a beating. In fights he uses the same level of strength as his opponents
Bio & History: One day when his village was raided by a Dark Guild, he awakened his dormant magical powers and all the members of the guild couldn't even come close to him because anyone who came too close got knocked out by his magical power. He was called a monster by the other villagers, but didn't pay any attention to that as he heard a voice that tolled him to come outside the village. When he came there was a man in a dark cloak with the hood down. The man with a feminine voice asked if Drake wanted to become his disciple and learn how to use his magic properly, he answered yes without hesitation. After that the man took off his hood and revealed that it was actually a woman, so Drake then said no. Astonished she asked why, he said "A Woman without breasts, is not a woman at all", this is how he got his first beating and the closest he got to deaths door.
Future: Wants to create a guild filled with women who have big breasts and him being the only male.

Last edited by DarkSkiper; 2012-05-20 at 02:47.
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