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Old 2012-05-20, 00:06   Link #92
150% done
Join Date: Feb 2012
Originally Posted by Log View Post
Which is still pretty scary considering that all 4 maous are top tiers in the demon world and Sirzechs and Ajuka are super devils. That's some crazy power that Indra wields. And supposely God is even above Indra. Then Ddraig and Albion are a least equal to God. Finally Ophis even at below 50% is at double that of the heavenly dragons.

Take note that every one of these characters are thousands if not millions of times greater then Issei who destroyed a mountian in volume 2. Only a nuke is capable of such level of energy output to destroy a mountian and it has to be concentrated. If we use power scaling that means that the gods are capable of generating thousands of times greater energy then volume 2 Issei who already has the power output of a nuke...................................

How the hell has humanity not been wiped out yet?
Because the angels were on their side, protecting them up till the last great war. And the devils would protect their clients, and the fallen angels would protect their followers, etc. Besides there are plenty of humans with strong powers, and only humans can use Sacred Gears.

And the three big factions were more or less annihilated by the last war, so they had to focus on regaining their strength. They didn't really care about the humans at the time.
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