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Old 2012-05-09, 15:36   Link #8
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Age: 37
Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
Only one chapter so far. He plans to translate the rest once he gets his hands on the other books. They're not cheap after all. I tried to purchase them from, but the shipping was twice the cost of the item so I had to cancel. ;_;

Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
Takeru already had his share of suffering and adventure. His story is done, and I don't see what is so abominable about the new cast that you'd want to discard them. No one is invincible in Muv-Luv universe which is why it's thrilling and leaves the readers at the edge of their seats. If you really want more Takeru or the old cast, you can always read Altered Fable.
This is how i felt as well, his story contained a certain feeling of completion/peace in that world (i don't think i ever got that feeling from any other work), there is nothing more he could have done, sure there was some feeling of regret (well not regarding him that's for sure, does who have finished it know what i'm talking about) but it was still complete.

Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
From the way I see it, you seem to detest the fact that there are other pilots, who can compete with Takeru or even surpass him. The new casts are interesting, and likable far beyond than what you make it out to be, and they all have more than enough combat experience which explains their competency in the application of violence and tactics. I think it makes sense why they're good pilots, and leaders on their own right.

Question, did you really read the other side-stories or were they based from secondhand information? Really, it's hard NOT to like them at all especially Hibiki and the rest of the Wardogs. In any case, I apologize if I sounded offensive to you. I still respect your opinion just so you know. I sincerely hope I did not offend you.

Indeed, they created this grand world with all this detail and history, its nice to see some different view points, personally i'm all for the side stories to.

Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
Anyway, back on topic.

Wow. I felt bad for the infantries. They finally thought back up had arrived, but they just flew past them. Hunting the laser class is a dangerous job especially with very few units on the field WITH poor visibility. The suspense was killing me. Man, Theo complaining like that reminded me of Takeru in Alternative where he kept saying how things should be done. It felt nostalgic in a good way. lol.
Well except Theo follows through with his way of thinking unlike Takeru who was more mouth then show during that time your speaking of :P, not that i like Theo's attitude that is :P.

Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
So far, I can't help but like Irisdina. A strict, collected, and sharp leader with a good sense of humor. I laughed so hard when Irisdina asked for Theo instead of Walter, and when she said the operation was easier because she doesn't have to worry about her sense of directions. That was just pure gold.
She's my favorite as well XD, for pretty much the same reasons.

Originally Posted by Silvance View Post
And yeah, Gretel is just bitter, but I can help to think she may have a soft spot for Theo.
It sort of felt like the other way around for me since...

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