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Old 2012-03-25, 03:03   Link #3
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
Can we post threads for
  • character discussions
  • most popular--because I love seeing how characters resonate with viewers.
  • Reincarnation theories
  • crap saw the threads for OVA and OS--removed

I won't say shipping...although it's going to happen, but I think it's best to designate a thread for it so it doesn't spill over all over the forums, because shipping isn't a crime...fighting over it is. So it makes it easier to monitor the shippers and those who don't care for shipping can avoid it.

so I guess I am saying...
  • A shipping thread too
Greetings. I'll be your unfriendly moderator who will be overseeing this forum for the most part. To jump right into the subject of "shipping", I'll give you props for having the gall to come out and say your request, and the educated reply from me is: NO, there won't be a shipping thread. Shipping isn't a "crime" ( your own choice of words), but I do hold the opinion that some people have no business of getting mixed up with shipping. They can bring down the mood faster than a Kim Kardashian porn, or worse, her reality television shows. While it's hilarious to read them, there would be at least one poster who would miss the funny and would actually attempt a reply to such poster. Subsequent replies create 3 subgroups of posters: the silly shipper, the poster who is trying to have a reasonable argument with the silly shipper, and everyone else who is thoroughly entertained by the heat generated.

Yeah, I realize there is a chance of shipping spilling over other threads..., but that's why I'm the designated unfriendly mod who will be taking care of this forum. I'm willing to do everything to make people work with me. I'll make fun of their e-p** er... e-ego if I have to. If that doesn't work, I'll call them names. And if they try to overpower me with their intellectual superiority, I'll just ban them. I've got it all worked out. Now to get back to the rest of your request:

- Submit the names of three characters of the most deserving whom we must give threads to for the sake of relevancy to the plot told up until episode 12.

- A Favorite Character poll is on hold until I've caught up with this show. Once I do catch up, I'll determine if such thread is warranted.

- Submit an opening post here for the Reincarnation Theories thread.
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