Thread: Tsukihime
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Old 2004-12-31, 07:50   Link #17
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Ahaha, I was looking for images for fate/stay night that I can use to make avatars/sigs and the like (like the one I have now), and then I, like, stumbled into this "insane underground world of full game translation groups ".

Well, it's no wonder that so many of these games were eventually turned into animes. In these "Graphic Novels", the writing and story are all pretty deep and interesting. I played the demo of fate/stay night from and man I was impressed: The artworks are beautiful, aside from the characters themselves, the background sceneries are beautiful, presented with photograph CGs, the BGM and especially the SF is done incredibly well as well, during the class scenes, my surround sound system "leaked" out sounds that even fooled me into thinking I was sitting in a room in an actual school. The story is well explained and interesting, and I commend the translators for their translation work on this, I can see that quite a bit of work went into this.

Anyways, I quickly browsed through several japanese sites that covered these games, and found an incredible amount of support for them, in forms of doujin works and whatnots, sometimes it's hard to even tell what the original work is anymore

Well, without going too far off topic, keep up the good work, all you hard working people translating these games, がんばって.
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