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Old 2011-11-09, 21:52   Link #20
White Silver King
The Isley
Join Date: Oct 2011
Name: Asteria Blackwell
Title: Queen of the Blood-soaked Aria
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Eyes: Crimson
Clothing: Something along the lines of Ultear's Council dress
Weapons: None, occasionally she uses her nails to draw blood
Magic: She uses the Lost Magic Arc of Life. It allows her to manipulate blood. She can either use it like Gaara of Naruto uses his sand - for attack/defense and to create constructs of blood. She can also manipulate the blood in hers and other body. Through this she can drain the blood of victims by touching them for a period of time and sometimes enjoys killing them by making it boil. Her most fearsome magic is used by dripping the blood of other onto skeletons to animate them with the life within the blood, while weak, they are unkillable except by completely destroying all their bones or restricting their movement and have the advantage of having very large numbers. Though she does have access to more powerful skeletons, including the carcass of a Dragon though she only uses that as a last resort. In the World of Ultimate Magic, where the full power of her Lost Magic is known, she can truly resurrect others.
Bio & History: She was from a non-magical family. When they found out she was a mage they sold her to a slave trader at age 7. The man whom she was sold to used her magic to kill his enemies and random victims thus creating her sadistic nature. Eventually, she learned all she could from him and killed him, traveling the world and learning more of her magic. She attempted to find her parents so she could kill them but found them to be already dead. She eventually encountered the Master of Tartaros and joined his guild.
Guild: Tartaros
Rank: Ace
Likes: Blood, pain, make-up, clothes, red roses, humming.
Dislikes: Weaklings, Children, animals, any other kind of flower than red roses.
Personality: While she appears as a beautiful and kind woman, she is actually an extreme sadist. She derives pleasure from decieving people into thinking they're safe with her and then killing them after she has tortured them. She is extremely intelligent and selfish. She also has a habit of humming even during her battles.
Future: Wants to learn the full extent of her Magic so she can resurrect her parents and kill them herself.
"Wake up laughing like a prostitute." ...Win...

Last edited by White Silver King; 2011-11-10 at 20:48.
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