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Old 2011-11-02, 22:57   Link #67
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Join Date: Aug 2011
So I've been wondering what other keys Lucy might get. I really want her to get more silver keys. We've only really seen 5 i think, yet seen twice as man zodiac signs. Here's a list of all 88 constellations, with the 12 Zodiac signs bolded.
  1. Andromeda - The Princess
  2. Antilia - The Pump
  3. Apus - The Bird of Paradise
  4. Aquarius - The Water Bearer
  5. Aquila - The Eagle
  6. Ara - The Alter
  7. Aries - The Ram
  8. Auriga - The Charioteer
  9. Bootes - The Herdsman
  10. Caelum - The Chisel
  11. Camelopardalis - The Giraffe
  12. Cancer - The Crab
  13. Canes Venatici -The Hunting Dogs
  14. Canis Major - The Large Dog
  15. Canis Minor - The Small Dog
  16. Capricornus - The Goat
  17. Carina - The Keel
  18. Cassiopeia - The Queen
  19. Centaurus - The Centaur
  20. Cepheus - The King
  21. Cetus -The Whale
  22. Chamaeleon - The Chameleon
  23. Circinus - The Compasses
  24. Columba - The Dove
  25. Coma Berenices - The Berenice's Hair
  26. Corona Australis - The Southern Crown
  27. Corona Borealis - The Northern Crown
  28. Corvus - The Crow
  29. Crater - The Cup
  30. Crux - The Southern Cross
  31. Cygnus - The Swan
  32. Delphinus - Dolphin
  33. Dorado - The Goldfish
  34. Draco - The Dragon
  35. Equuleus - The Colt
  36. Eridanus - The River
  37. Fornax - The Furnace
  38. Gemini - The Twins
  39. Grus - The Crane
  40. Hercules - The Champion
  41. Horologium - The Pendulum Clock
  42. Hydra - The Sea Serpent
  43. Hydrus - The Serpent
  44. Indus - The Indian
  45. Lacerta - The Lizard
  46. Leo - The Lion
  47. Leo Minor - The Little Lion
  48. Lepus - The Rabbit
  49. Libra - The Scales
  50. Lupus - The Wolf
  51. Lynx - The Cat
  52. Lyra - The Harp
  53. Mensa - The Table
  54. Microscopium - The Microscope
  55. Monoceros - The Unicorn
  56. Musca - The Fly
  57. Norma - The Carpenter's Square
  58. Octans - The Instrument
  59. Ophiuchus - The Serpent Bearer
  60. Orion - The Hunter
  61. Pavo - The Peacock
  62. Pegasus - The Flying Horse
  63. Perseus - The Hero
  64. Phoenix - The Firebird
  65. Pictor - The Painter's Easel
  66. Pisces - The Two Fish
  67. Pisces Austrinus - The Southern Fish
  68. Puppis - The Ship's Stern
  69. Pyxis - The Ship's Compass
  70. Reticulum - The Net
  71. Sagitta - The Arrow
  72. Sagittarius - The Archer
  73. Scorpius - The Scorpion
  74. Sculptor - The Sculptor's Tool
  75. Scutum - The Shield
  76. Serpens - The Serpent
  77. Sextans - The Sextant
  78. Taurus - The Bull
  79. Telescopium - The Telescope
  80. Triangulum - The Triangle
  81. Triangulum Australe - The Southern Triangle
  82. Tucana - The Toucan
  83. Ursa Major - The Big Bear
  84. Ursa Minor - The Little Bear
  85. Vela - The Sails
  86. Virgo - The Maiden
  87. Volans - The Flying Fish
  88. Vulpecula - The Little Fox

But imagine how cool some can be, like Phoenix and Pegasus. Makes me wonder though the powers of some since ones like Caelum don't exactly chisel. Any hopes for some of the spirits we'll hopefully see soon?
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