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Old 2011-10-09, 15:53   Link #57
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
^ Second ep dub

Wow, vast improvement with Lucy, Happy, and especially Natsu. Kudos to the returning voice actors all round.

Now as to the newly introduced cast. Loki, Elfman, and Mirajane where all great to me each sounded like there roles very nicely (though improvement isn't out of the question). Makarov and most of the other supporting cast could use some work but weren't bad either... kinda like how I saw Happy last ep (they're just not quite in the characters heads yet). Makao, Romeo, and Nab weren't bad either...

The voice that was the best IMHO of the new cast I found to be Jerral (Gerard) (runners up would be Loki, Elfman, and Mirajane)... I'm actually kinda looking forward to Tower of Paradise/Heaven arc, especially if he improves in the role like the rest of the cast has. He actually sounds powerful, knowledgeable, yet young too, with a hint of potential evil lurking behind his tone.

The worst of the new cast IMHO would be Gray, but mostly since his tone seemed a bit all over the place and he wasn't quite in in character (kinda like how I viewed Natsu last ep). Though if this ep is any sign he will get a lot better fast.

The biggest shock in the voice was Taurus... I mean the accent was just I won't ruin the surprise of hearing him for the first time any further. Lets just say he should fill his comedic role very nicely
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