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Old 2011-09-30, 12:25   Link #54
The One Eyed King
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lurking Up Ahead
(ignoring the dialog changes)

At first I wasn't impressed... Nastu just sounded too normal , Lucy sounded too young/teeny and not quite as unique or full of herself as the RAW Lucy did, and Happy like a 6 year old girl and not even close to sounding like a boy, plus the Ayes weren't nearly as good as the RAW kinda like the voice actor didn't quite get how to use them (Happy was all over the place between cute, being humorous, and having an attitude... it felt like whatever high pitched voice the actor could get and didn't care beyond that). At least I was satisfied with the background cast. Aquarius was pretty good though... though she could use even more fest.

Then Lucy started to get pissed and I was like, ok, so she sounds a bit young but that's the right attitude , then Happy stated to get a bit better with the Aye deliveries, though he didn't grow on me as like Lucy did. I'm still not sure about Natsu since I didn't quite feel his crazy rage moments right or his stupidity moments right either. Lucy = B-, Happy = C, Natsu = D-... Over all for the dub C+. Maybe I'm just too much a fan of the RAW voices, since I rate them all as A's (Lucy and Happy A+'s though). At least this English dub was way better then that other one I heard where there was like only 4 actors playing all the roles. That one earned a F- in my books

For a first episode dub it wasn't too bad... though I see that there is lots of room for improvement. Maybe Erza, Gray and the rest of the supporting cast will save the Dub. We knew going in that Funimation would recycle voice actors, so it's stupid to complain about that.
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