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Old 2011-08-29, 14:03   Link #49
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Join Date: Dec 2005
So.... yeah, about those Jojo movies? Looks like they weren't actually confirmed. Somehow, this news doesn't surprise me.....

Anyway, for Jojo-related stuff that HAS been confirmed:

-A novel will be released next month that's a spin-off story starring Fugo from part 5! Now, note that Araki isn't the one writing the story, but he WILL be providing some art:


While I never really cared much about Fugo (or most of the part 5 characters in general, for that matter), I still think it's cool that he's getting his own spin-off stories, since he was forced out of Giorno's story so suddenly (supposedly, Araki got rid of him because he found his stand too "overpowered", which I frankly find to be highly ironic, considering that freaking GER came along not too long after his departure. It's a shame too, because I thought Purple Haze was a pretty awesome stand....).

-ALSO! Our favorite mangaka Rohan Kishibe is getting yet another spin-off story (drawn and written by Araki this time )! Interestingly enough, this story will be published in a women's fashion magazine. Actually, it seems the manga has been scanned already (the story's supposed to be pretty short), but there's no translation for it so far. Basically, the manga is pretty much a Gucci ad. Heh, I'm kind of surprised that Araki hasn't done manga for fashion mags earlier, considering how FABULOUS the Jojo characters are.

Well, nice to see that Araki's been working on other projects while taking a break from Jojolion (which, thankfully, will continue next month). Credit goes to the JJBA Community for the info and pics, BTW.
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