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Old 2011-08-11, 17:52   Link #70
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
Interesting. The big question is...which government or corporation will actually get the ball rolling towards Mars? And when?

As a History Major, I've come to believe that the problems with America is because we have no goal and that we are not expanding anyplace. While individual people may not think it is needed, the country as a whole seems to have been driven by either, explortion, expansion, or a driving need to get something done. With a goal, society has nothing to do but spin its wheels and fall apart. Americans need a national level goal. Sure half the country will not be for it...that is normal, but the half that is for it will make it happen out of pride, of nothing else.

How do you stop Rome from falling? Keep successfully expanding? Maybe...maybe not. How do you keep Americans from degenerating? Let them be Pioneers again? Maybe...hopefully. There might not be anyone out their (locally) to be at war with or whatever...but explorations and settling are sometimes easier when you don't have restless natives to fight every decade on the way.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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