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Old 2011-07-20, 19:28   Link #35
Le fou, c'est moi
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Age: 34
I've got a confession to make: I've never successfully read Jojo.

Don't get me wrong, I tried several times. And don't get me even more wrong, this is definitely not a bash Jojo post. Rather, I have a dilemma: I've just started Jojolion, through chapter 3, it's strange beyond comprehension. There's a main character who looks like a fabulous African-American superstar (Prince?) with strange body issues, there's strange things happening, a Stands power (I imagine I have to read the earlier Jojo arcs to get this, right?), and of course the overall art style which is indisputably one-of-a-kind. Oh, and the spoiler above put forth a name I expect I should recognize and is apparently a shocking revelation for old-time fans. It's crazy weird, crazy crazy weird.

Now, I know of Jojo's stature as a manga; I know a bit about its overall structure as separate story arcs with different characters; I think if I managed to read it "successfully" I might even come to swear by it like its fans do. But the hurdle, the "learning curve," it's bloody high. It's so, well, bizarre, the pacing, the art, the character designs and their figure and movements and reactions -- not just Jojolion (which taken alone would just be a really strange and interesting manga), but the whole saga.

As such, what would you veterans recommend for a novice like me? Should I continue with Jojolion and ride with it as it develops "real-time"? Should I start somewhere else in the series? What sort of mindset is required to overcome the first hurdle so I can get on with enjoying it?
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