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Old 2011-07-19, 03:48   Link #28
blinded by blood
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Age: 40
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You can't really alter the telomere though. It's there for a reason, not just to limit our lifespans, but to take damage in place of useful DNA. Maybe if you could repair it, or slow the damage it took (which is what a healthy lifestyle typically does) it would extend our lifespans, but that's kind of scary.

You think we've got problems now? What kind of problems would we have if everyone was immortal? Or far more likely--and far, far worse--if every rich and powerful person was immortal?

Seriously, could you live in a world controlled by robber baron corporatist overlords who can never die? This is cyberpunk dystopia level shit here!
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