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Old 2011-05-21, 02:46   Link #14
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by False Dawn View Post
Why do we still do it if we don't enjoy it then? Surely there's no e-peen left in it... and yet, groups are still releasing stuff.
If I'm reading this correctly (and remembering correctly) there was this 'golden period' in fansubbing from around 2002 ish-2006 ish (note, estimate) that's sunk its glory days claws into those who were part of the scene back in the day. It's peeps from that period that seem to be the ones most disillusioned or 'burnt out' from it all. No spark or zest for fansubbing anymore.

I hopped on just after all that faded, on the eve of mass streaming on youtube (before google snagged it) and people creating 'get instanz anime nao!' streaming sites every 2 secs, so I still do it whenever I can.
(If life quits screwing me over once in a while)

Reasons would echo Meri's post:

The reason I'm still fansubbing is because I like it
I'd love to be a translator (profession) one day myself <-- check
My love for anime is a big help as well <-- check
And just creating something permanent by putting your heart into it, even though there is no big reward <-- check
I just like the compliments of the small amount of fans we have <--check
Just doing it for the sake of doing so cause we don't expect greatness from it, is enough.
As for discussion here, I'm anti-trolling for most part (short of someone being arrogant or just plain stupid enough first to warrant a smackdown).

So go figure if someone wants to write something positive, without the drama, insults or rudeness in the fansub forums on Asuki here, they get neg-repped or insulted to hell (probably from that group TheFluff mentioned: aged 12 or 'totally bitter') and it potentially turns into a flame war (cue Xris).
Waste of energy in one's life at the end of the day, I'd rather just chill on IRC with peeps I get on with and discuss/relax there.

And FD, you can always try to catch me online if you feel like another long natter

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